American Way of Life
The term “Greaser” came about in the mid to late 1800’s for Mexicans that held the lowliest of jobs for greasing wagon axels and hides. And it’s been used ever since as a derogatory term for a low life. 

Source : Christoph Roos
Vingt-deux étudiants entassés dans une cabine téléphonique tentent d’établir un nouveau record, St. Mary’s College, Californie, en 1959.
Source : ipnoze
A victorious University of Mississippi player being kissed by a cheerleader after the Cotton Bowl (1956)
Virginia Tech cheerleaders (1955)
Consumer Society
Résultat de recherche d'images pour "drive in grease"
Drive in intermission "Let' all go to the Lobby" (1957)

Jan sings the "Brush up Song", Ipana advertisement

Source : Coke and Movies

Source : All that I Love

Juke Box

Source : jukeboxclassic

Poste de radio

Source : teslogos

Drive in

Source : nifty50s

1920s Brilliantine ad
Source : VintageDancer

Source : ArtOfManliness

Source : The Pomades Blog

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