Axes de 2nde

1. Vivre entre générations
2. Les Univers professionnels, le monde du Travail
3. Le Village, le quartier, la ville
4. Représentation de soi et rapport à autrui
5. Sports et Société
6. La Création et le rapport aux Arts
7. Sauver la Planète, penser les futurs possibles
8. Le Passé dans le présent

1. Vivre entre générations
a. A Music Generation
"Guess the song 70s"


"Don't stop Believing", Journey

"Don't stop Believing", Glee

2. Les Univers professionnels, le Monde du Travail
How to get a Job in Gaming

3. Le Village, le quartier, la ville
"California Dreamin", The Mamas & the Papas

Los Angeles
Source : Ontheworldmap
"Under the Bridge", Red Hot Chili Peppers

"City of Angels", 30 Seconds to Mars

The Fresh Prince of Bel Air

Ever wonder what The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air might look like if it suddenly returned to the airwaves in 2019? Well, given Hollywood’s current penchant for giving everything a “dark” and “gritty” backstory, it would probably look quite a bit like this superbly made fan film by director Morgan Cooper. Simply titled Bel-Air, it gives Will Smith’s young “Will” a considerably more dire origin story while keeping all of the major Fresh Prince beats intact.
Fresh Prince of Bel Air Drama Reboot in the works : Hollywood Reporter

Carlton Dance

Cosby Show

Beverly Hills 90210

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